ONECMH Career Services program prepares refugees for the workplace in order to achieve the goal of long-term self-sufficiency and integration into the Central Ohio community. Refugees can access both classroom instruction and individual employment counseling through this service.

Find out more about ONECMH employment services by contacting us.



ONECMH Career Services are currently available to work-authorized refugees, asylees, and immigrants who have been in the country for less than five years.

Program Details

ONECMH Career Services offers a wide range of options to empower refugees and immigrants to gain employment, including skills-based instruction, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, interview practice, and more.

Classroom Instruction: Daily instruction covering topics related to American culture and the workplace. Depending on an individual’s needs, participants spend anywhere from a few weeks to a few months with us, immersed in the English language and learning the skills that will enable them to meet employer needs.

Specific English language instruction takes place during additional daily ESL classes. Among the many topics covered in the employment classes are:

  • American culture—dress, communication, time, employer expectations, etc.

  • Child care

  • Math, money and financial management

  • Local navigation and modes of travel

  • Career exploration and goal setting

  • The job process—applications, interviews, beginning work, successful work retention

Individual Employment Counseling: ONECMH employment counselors work with clients to achieve their individual employment goals through practical application of the classroom teaching. Our employment counselors regularly assist with job applications, scheduling interviews, arranging transportation to a new job, arranging childcare, and providing support to our clients and their employers through the early stages of employment.